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NES Health: ED 3 Cell Driver 20ml

NES Health: ED 3 Cell Driver 20ml


Suggested Use: 1-30 Drops 1-3X daily

May be used for:

  • Increases in Energy
  • Geopathic Stress
  • Assisting Metabolism
  • Reducing Tiredness
  • Correct Pain/Inflammation




Suggested Use: 1-30 Drops 1-3X daily

The Cell Driver is the primary driver for body metabolism. Adequate cellular energy is vital for information transfer throughout the body and the Cell Driver infoceutical assists the body in maintaining this energy cycle. This driver helps remove toxins from cells, aids the mitochondria in energy production and is a strong antioxidant. The BioCell driver can also be good for geopathic stress. The Cell Driver infoceutical is an energy corrector in the broadest bioenergetic sense. The Cell Driver may be used to bioenergetically address issues with metabolism and tiredness.This infoceutical combines well with diets rich in antioxidants and may have a strong bioenergetic antioxidant effect itself.


Infoceuticals are available in small bottles and are designed to allow patients to complete their corrective therapy at home, between visits, to correct the information distortions.

You can simply dispense the required number of drops for each infoceutical into a glass of water, in the order specified. Because the drops are informational rather than biochemical in nature, they can be taken safely and conveniently with any foods or nutritional supplements and used in conjunction with other health programs or therapies.

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